

Afternoon Buzz: Thursday June 28th

The people at SB Nation put together an 8-bit NBA Draft with Nintendo characters. It's the best thing on the Internet right now.

The NFL are moving back the doubleheader start time to 3:25 to avoid overlapping games. This is great news for all of us minus the ones who love 60 Minutes. (Fang's Bites) 

Mark Jackson is being extorted by an ex-stripper who has pictures of his dong.  MAMA, THERE GOES THAT MAN. (The Big Lead) 

Really Boston media?  Mad at Boston Red Sox's pitcher Clay Buchholz for going to a charity event. (Hardball Talk)

This sports programmer in Baltimore has the name, Gerry Sandusky, and is getting some pretty vile tweets to him.  I hate the Internet. (Land-Grant Holyland) 

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